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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Brooks Loves His Daddy!

Brooks is so much fun right now. On Sunday, we took him to Pizza Luce and he enjoyed banana, walnut and blackberry pancakes! He loved them! On the way out, I was able to capture a pretty cute picture (see below) of Brooks and his Daddy. There are so many times that Brooks sees his Daddy and smiles with his whole body. They have a very special connection. I am so glad that Greg stays home with Brooks two days a week. It is priceless.

We did a ski race this weekend. It was in the evening (started at 6:00 pm). It was fun. The whole course was lit by candle light and there were no hills because it was across the Bay of Lake Superior. My little sister, Laura, is so cute. We were trying to get her to do the race and she asked my mom "Are there lots of hills?" We had to remind her that there would be no hills on the lake. She is so funny. Love you, Bean! Greg and I are holding up the number "42" because that is how long it took us to finish. Greg was sweet and stayed with me the whole time. He didn't even break a sweat, but it was so nice to be together. Thank you Auntie Lee-Lee for watching Brooks! We were so happy to go on a "date"!

Our new favorite noise is when Brooks drinks out of his Nalgene bottle. It is so funny because I can't stand mouth noises (chewing loud, slurping, fork scraping...) but there is nothing better than Brooks slurping his milk out of his Nalgene. We are very close to no more bottles and can't wait until we no longer have to purchase formula. Brooks is doing great with whole milk (organic of course!) and water. The night time bottle will be hard to say goodbye to though, because it is so nice to cuddle Brooks before bed. He is growing up so fast. :(

P.S. I am so sorry if there are lots of spelling errors. I am a terrible speller and I can't seem to make spellcheck work anymore. When Greg blogs it won't be a problem, as he is a wonderful speller. --H
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Uncle Keven! We love you!
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Friday, February 8, 2008

Brooks' Books!

Brooks loves to "read" and does a good job communicating this to us. He is able to say some babble that sounds like "book". He brings the books over to us and trys to crawl up on our laps. It is really cute.

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Another Cute Picture!

We can't seem to get the blogger website to let us add pictures or edit our posts so the posts may be less until we figure that out. We are only able to do one picture per post straight from Picassa. We also can't spellcheck so I am so sorry if we seem uneducated in the next few posts!

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Fun in the snow!

We were able to get out this week and have some fun in the snow! More pictures of the last week to follow! Brooks turned 11 months a couple of days ago. We think he is getting so big. It is just amazing to watch his personality develop and to watch him become a little man.

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