We had a fun weekend. Brooks got to spend some quality time with his Opa on Friday night. Greg and I went down to a midnight run (5k) on Friday, so Brooks' Opa slept overnight at our house. The whole plan was super last minute but ended up being a blast. We ran with my sister Steph and her husband Keven. Steph and I ran together and averaged a tiny bit over 8 minute miles. We had a lot of fun and were amazingly refreshed after the run even though it was almost 1:00 in the morning.

On Saturday we were so tired from the run. We had a wedding to attend and we decided to bring Brooks to the reception. It ended up being a really fun night. Brooks did really well and had fun looking at the disco lights that were set up for the dance. By the end of the night (8:00 pm), Brooks was sweating and exhausted from running around the dance floor. We were able to capture a cute picture of me and Greg together! Yeah! That never happens.
On Saturday we were so tired from the run. We had a wedding to attend and we decided to bring Brooks to the reception. It ended up being a really fun night. Brooks did really well and had fun looking at the disco lights that were set up for the dance. By the end of the night (8:00 pm), Brooks was sweating and exhausted from running around the dance floor. We were able to capture a cute picture of me and Greg together! Yeah! That never happens.
Brooks continues to love the camera. Here are a couple of shots of his new "smile" when we ask him to "say cheese". It is so funny. He does his "smile" with food in his mouth and his pacifier in his mouth (which by the way, we want to get rid of but have not tried very hard!). Brooks language has also totally taken off. He is able to repeat lots of words that we say. He says things like shoes, no, bye-bye, apple, juice, please, yes, mama, daddy, cookie, cracker, Scout, blueberry (you have to be his momma to understand this one), ball, uh-oh, Uncle, Auntie, Jo-Jo, Kaa-Kaa, Opa, Oma, bath, naughty (naute-naute), nigh-nigh, soose (pacifier), dip-dip (ketchup or ranch dressing), and stop! I am sure I am missing some words, but it seems his vocabulary has really taken off in the last week or so. He is also able to answer questions like "What does a cow say?" He answers with a big, bold "MOOOOOO". It is so fun to watch him develop. I would have to say that within the last month or so he has entered one of my favorite stages. He seems to be getting easier and easier every day. It is fun that he can understand us now and communicate so well with us.