Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas is past with one side of the family and will continue tomorrow with the other side. A huge snowstorm cancelled our plans and slowed things down quite a bit yesterday. It was pretty fun seeing so much white, but we are definitely looking forward to tomorrow and seeing the Johnson side of the family.

Christmas was relaxing. We had a nice ham dinner and hung out at Oma and Opa's house. The storm blew outside and we were all warm and cozy inside enjoying the family. Brooks did well and proclaimed that he didn't like Santa when it was time to go to bed. Chloe slept in Oma and Opa's closet (in a pack-n-play) and slept terribly. We had no clue, so Greg and I were well rested in the morning and Oma and Opa had tired eyes.

Brooks and Chloe both got spoiled rotten and don't need anything for a long time. It was fun to celebrate Jesus' birthday surrounded by family.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Sponge-Bob SQUARE HEAD!
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

We would like to introduce you to Chloe-Belle's pet Giraffe. She loves this toy more than any other toy she owns. Recently, we were in the Cities and a worker at a really cool toy store told us that this was "the best toy of the year" and "they can't keep it in stock". It is hard to believe because it is so old fashioned looking and so plain. The salesperson was right. This toy is awesome for a baby who is teething, learning to put things in her mouth, learning to hold onto things and learning to play on her own. I really think we should make up a name for her. We will think of one and let you know. Maybe Brooks could come up with a good one.

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Someone in our house is growing up! We are SO proud of him!
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Let it SNOW!

Brooks loves the snow...except when it gets in his mittens. Then he screams and tells us it "stings". Tonight was a beautiful night. The temps were amazing and the snow was wonderful. Although we don't have as much as usual, we are still able to play outside and have lots of fun. Greg went cross country skiing yesterday and had a great time with the limited amount of white stuff on the ground. We are still praying for more snow though. Especially in western Minnesota where we are heading for a weekend of cross country skiing right after the New Year.

Our attempt at a family picture didn't go so hot. It does make us laugh though!
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When Brooks drinks milk this is what happens to him. He gets really STRONG!

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Maggie sings to me: "Christmas is coming and Auntie is getting skinny again!" Last year she sang the same song to me and it went like this: "Christmas is coming and Auntie's getting chubby"! You know the song..."Christmas is coming and the GOOSE is getting fat"? I guess I am the goose and it is funny that she says "chubby" because she is not allowed to say "fat" at her house!

We are IN THE MOOD FOR CHRISTMAS! We baked or tried to bake cookies on Wednesday night. We are terrible bakers...all of us. None of the cookies were the same size, none seemed to be amazing and by the end we were all just laughing and reminding ourselves why we never bake. Store bought Christmas cookies is where it's at for us!

My mom is 60 years old. Can you even believe that? I get a kick out of people thinking that she is me. She should be proud she is commonly mistaken for a 30 year old!

We made a gingerbread house this morning. Brooks was so excited to get done with it because once it was done he proclaimed that he was going to go inside it! I had to explain to him that this wasn't the type of house you can go in. I loved watching his chubby little fingers work so hard at placing each piece of candy in the perfect spot.

All our presents are bought and wrapped, cookies are made, the Evergreen candle is lit, and the house is ringing with Christmas music. Ahhh...the joys of the Season.
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Brooks adores his sister. Can you tell?
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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Greg and I had fun this afternoon taking pictures of our precious kids. We take so many and they all look the same, but since we are their parents we always think that the latest picture "is the best one yet"!

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Yesterday we headed to the Cities to meet our new cousin, Isaac. It was really nice to spend time with our cousin Dylan, too! Brooks was sweating and rosy-cheeked by the end of the play session. We thought for sure he'd sleep on the way home, but he proved us wrong. He was a great little buddy yesterday and did wonderful on very little sleep. We pulled into our driveway at pretty late and Brooks got up pretty early today. This makes for a very tired little boy who threw a huge temper tantrum when he had to leave Sunday School this morning. Needless to say, a long nap is in order this afternoon.

After nap, we are heading out to look at Christmas lights with Brooks. We told him that we would see Santa and he needed to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas. He continues to tell us he is asking Santa for a purple saxophone. I sure hope Santa can find one.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


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Saturday, November 21, 2009

These pictures from the Lakewalk today capture who Brooks is so well. He keeps us so busy and is full of energy. We adore his free spirit and his desire to be active, fun and adventuresome. He is such a joy and is such a boy!
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