Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 25, 2011

The last week or so has been a pretty disappointing week for me. It's been really hard to find "good" and I've fallen into the trap of feeling "bad" more than "good".

Most of what is spoiling my ability to be happy has to do with our church and I am weary from all of the chaos.

There have been plenty of times this week when I've been tempted to say, "I'm out of here!" or "I've had it." But then I just look at these two precious children of mine and I can't believe I am so selfish.

My kids are high maintenance and full of energy, which wears me out. But, the wonderful-ness of my two beautiful children far outweighs the struggles.

I'm glad I have Brooks and Chloe because they keep me going and remind me that life is full.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We've been sick around this place lately. It all started on Christmas Eve and it hasn't given us much of a break since. Things could be a million times worse, but in the midst of cleaning up vomit or not being able to take a deep breath, we start to think we have a miserable existence on this Earth. We may (I shouldn't even say that) be done (cross our fingers) for a while. Both illnesses, respiratory and stomach have gone through everyone in our household.

Well, not Brooks (he didn't get the stomach bug--yet) but we are praying he will escape the awfulness of it.

So, since Mommy, Daddy and Chloe have all been puking our guts out Brooks has had LOTS of TV and I-Pod time. We weren't winning any official awards this weekend with our parenting, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do. Brooks was fine just chilling, sans shirt like the big boys, on the couch.

Don't you think he looks like a "real" hockey player? We do.
Before the illness struck, Greg was getting "Dad of the Year" award by building the kiddos a super cool Igloo in our front yard. Yes, as a panicked mother I asked Greg to please make one without a roof, just in case it fell in. So, Greg made one with a roof, but PROMISED me they'd never be in it without us right by their sides. I have to admit that the inside of the Igloo is super cool and I can totally understand why a roof would be necessary in order to keep the cool factor of it all. Brooks was in Heaven as his most favorite thing these days is small spaces to "hide" in.

I get a chuckle out of our Valentine's Day photo shoot. It's funny how as the years go by, it's become less important to us to have the perfect photo on the actual Holiday. Two years ago, I would have had the white and pink blankets out ready to serve as the background while I took photos of my two children dressed in perfectly matching Valentine's outfits. If the pictures didn't turn out I would have been beside myself.

Well, time has passed and there is a "new" me. Here's to our 2011 Valentine's Day Photo Shoot.
(See the two pictures below...just in case you were wondering where the Valentine's Day Photos were!)
And for a sweet laugh before you are done reading tonight.
We wondered if Brooks may be getting sick. We were predicting he might get the stomach bug just like the rest of us. He laid our worries to rest when he requested a snack this afternoon (after lunch) while he watched Bubble Guppies.

Our conversation went something like this:

B: "MOOOOMMMMMMM! *Yelling from the bedroom*
M: "Yes, Brooks."
B: "Would you get me a snack, please?"
M: "Sure, Bud. What would you like?"
B: "A bean burrito."

At that moment, I knew his tummy wasn't upset and I also knew I had a very unique three year old.
*note: bean burrito on plate*

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I write this blog not only to share my kids with others who love them, but also so we can remember things they do and say.

Here are some Brook-ism's as of late:
After telling Brooks to clean up the workout room that he'd destroyed, he says to me in all seriousness: "Mom, I'm not quite done with my workout. I have about a half-hour left."

Brooks announces to his daddy that he has "taste buddies" on his tongue that help him taste food.

When Brooks doesn't want to do something, like go to school, go to Sunday School, take a nap in his own bed, he says to us: "My head is just feeling a little sick" to get out of having to do anything. (BTW: It doesn't work.)

Brooks was telling his Oma about the hat-trick that a hockey player got last night. He continued to say to his Oma, "Yep. Then we throw our hats on the rink. Then they give the hats to the "bored" people." (Poor people, as we told him that the hats were given to those in need.)

And last but not least:
Brooks LOVES the movie "Despicable Me". In his language he enjoys watching the movie "Speckled Meat" while he eats popcorn and snuggles in his Mommy's bed.

We went to a sledding party (and it wasn't only a sledding party, but I can't remember what it was called) to celebrate my Dad's birthday this weekend. We drove up to a small town called Palo, MN to enjoy some outdoor time. The weather was beautiful, the sledding hill was fast and the kids enjoyed being together.

The adults enjoyed it as well, as ALL 4 grandkids were very well behaved and made it simple to have an adult conversation (that never happens). It was a great present for Chloe and Brooks to give their Opa on his birthday.

We only went down the sledding hill twice as the lines were long. Two hours in the car for only two slides down the hill is TOTALLY WORTH IT when you are with the people you love the MOST.

That evening, we went to the UMD hockey game to finish off a great day.

It was an honor to spend the whole day with my dad on his birthday.

My dad is an amazing man.