Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

While Chloe played outside her brother worked.  Brooks is just like his daddy in so many ways.  I'm so thankful that he has a daddy who is not lazy, takes on any/all projects with a smile and puts his family first.  Brooks watches that and mimics it.  I couldn't ask for a better example of how a man should be.  Brooks' wife is going to be a lucky woman.  (No, we are not trying to marry Brooks off at age 4.)

Don't get me wrong, we encourage Brooks to play and be a kid but often he'd prefer to work, help, haul, assist, dig, sweep, clean, and be the "man" of the house.  He is his daddy's little helper, that's for sure.  

Since there is very little snow this winter (YES!), Brooks wanted to work on shoveling the yard.  Yup, the yard.  He's so strong and coordinated for a 4 year old.  It's fun to watch him.  

He amazes us in many ways.

And Chloe?  She amazes us too and just happens to be very very very cute. But, I'll let you decide that for yourselves. 

Chloe really missed her brother while we were away.  

When Brooks and Chloe decide to love each other and get along (and yes, they decide this and are perfectly capable of turning it on and off within seconds), it's amazing to watch them play.  Brooks takes such good care of Chloe.  We've been telling Brooks since the day Chloe was born that he needs to protect his sister.  And, on most days, he does a great job.