Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

According to Oma and Opa Chloe is a mini-Heather in physical appearance and personality. For me, this is a good thing. For I will know and understand exactly what her little brain is thinking and I'll be better able to relate to her. Either that theory or the theory that this may be payback time. We shall see. I'm sure my parents are enjoying watching me raise my strong-willed girl.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Oh, Daddy. Please don't ever leave me again."
We are in clingy mode right now. Trying to convince our kids it's impossible to give them as much attention as Grandma and Grandpa did while we were gone.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We ate bacon wrapped chicken last night. We also ate a huge Boston creme pie and a little tiny dish of ice cream.
Then...we rode bikes around Boston to burn off some calories! (Only problem: we would of had to ride for 10 hours to even come close to the calorie consumption.) We would do it again, though. It's just too much fun here to have any restrictions. We can do restrictions when we get back to Duluth. Speaking of Duluth, we go home today. Bummer to leave Boston, but yippee to see our kids. What a great experience. Can't wait until next time, Boston.

Monday, April 16, 2012

He did it! He finished in just under 4 hours. Almost an hour slower than what he was hoping, but still a huge accomplishment. Greg is glad it is over and prefers the Grandma's Marathon course to the Boston one. I guess there is just no place like home. Although, I'd move to Boston tomorrow given the chance. We are enjoying every last minute of our time here and can't wait to come back to Boston with the whole family. And next time, not to run a marathon (Greg's request)! Love you, Greg. You amaze me.

It's finally here! Greg's big race. We are so happy for him. He's incredible. He was up early this morning to catch a bus to the starting line. He arrived at the starting line just after 6:30 and the race starts at 10:00. A little bit different than our hometown marathon. He texted me that he's excited. He promises to go "slow" and promises to remember that it's not worth dying of heat stroke over. No matter what his time, we couldn't be more proud of him. Go Daddy!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'm so proud of him. #1 Daddy, #1 Boston Marathon man.
Love you, Baby.

Rocking out on the way to Boston to watch my Rocking Husband do his thing! More to come...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

From Brooks:
"Dear Easter Bunny:  Thank you for the dyed eggs.  All Easter is about is GOD."
Well said, little man.
Writing a letter to the Easter Bunny.
Funny that he's wearing the green ears since he's the kid who had a FIT when I tried to get him to wear a pink tie into church this morning.
Must write letter...just like Brother.
So sweet looking for what the Easter Bunny left him.  He was up at 6:00 this morning ready to go.  
Not happy to be awake at 6:00 this morning but excited that the Easter Bunny kissed her nose and excited that she got to have candy for breakfast.
Impossible to get a good picture of the two together.  When one is happy the other is sad.  When one is obedient the other is disobedient.  When one is willing the other is unwilling.  (You get the idea.)

Friday, April 6, 2012

We had an intense workout session with our kiddos the other night.  Complete with sweat towels, wrist bands, soccer socks and water bottles.