Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 6, 2012

I could have predicted that Brooks would be an athlete.  

I don't ever want him to feel like he has to be an athlete (as long as he loves Jesus, I don't really care what he ends up liking), but so far he's enthralled with sports, sporting events and sport stars.

Brooks loves basketball, t-ball, swimming, biking, soccer and Michael Jordan.

He's over his love of hockey.  We are good with that.  Being a hockey mom never did sound very fun.

Today Brooks was asked if he was going to be in 2nd grade.  He has a bit of an advantage on the size side of things.  He's not clumsy though.  Just tall, strong and coordinated.

It's fun to watch Brooks turn into a little man.  

Being a mom to a son is such a blessing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!


Fourth of July 2009
Fourth of July 2010


Fourth of July 2011

Fourth of July 2012

We just got back from Arkansas and had a super week visiting Grandma and Grandpa Johnson.  

Brooks could hardly contain himself.  He was so excited to see Grandma and give her cuddles and kisses.

We braved the hundred degree heat every day and managed to stay cool enough to enjoy our time down south. 

We swam, mini-golfed, went to the safari, saw a glass church, had a huge water fight, ate like royalty (thanks, Grandma) and made memories.  

Brooks had a rather large announcement for Grandma on our last night in Arkansas...
He has decided he wants to marry Grandma and move to Arkansas!

Now that's a sign of a good time.