Christmas was jam-packed this year to say the least. We started with a visit to Greg's parents house on Lake Dowling. It was a snowstorm on Sunday (the day we went), so I was a nervous wreck the whole way out there. Once we arrived we were treated to a wonderful meal and presents. Greg's parents were very thoughtful in "rushing" us out of their house because the snow continued to get worse. We are glad we made it home in the daylight!
Before Greg went to work on Christmas Eve we had a chance to go snowshoeing in the fresh powder. We have access to trails at the end of our dead end street. It is neat to never have to put Scout on a leash. We had a blast doing hill repeats and enjoying each other, while Brooks was sleeping at his Auntie Lee Lee's house.
On Christmas Eve we attended church and went to my parents for dinner and presents. It was a fun filled night of us opening up all of Brooks' presents while he was in bed!
Santa came on Christmas Day with more presents for Brooks. After Santa we were able to see all sets of Great-Grandparents and were able to spend some time at our Auntie Lee Lee's house.
We could barely keep our eyes open when it was all done, but we both agree there wasn't anything we would delete from our plans next year.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Excited for Christmas!
We are so excited for Christmas at the Johnson household! We are excited to celebrate this wonderful time of year with our new addition. We know that Brooks won't really understand that he is getting presents and that Santa will come, but that does not take away the excitement we feel this season. We are thankful for so much more than presents. We are thankful that we have a wonderful marriage and are best friends. We are thankful that we have a sweet, smiley (notice the teeth) baby boy and we are thankful for the true meaning of Christmas. We so anticipate spending quality time with both sides of our families and feel blessed that we live close to everyone.
Brooks had breakfast with Santa today at Northland Country Club. He doesn't get it, and just looks at Santa like "Who are you?" Even though he doesn't understand, it was very nice to be with family. We also had a chance to ski the Northland Golf Course. They groom it each winter for classic skiing. We had a blast and Brooks is so happy being outside. He was all smiles the whole time.
We will post Christmas pictures once we have them. Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends. We love you all and are blessed in so many ways.
Heather and Greg
They say I look like my Mom...
...and that is a wonderful thing! I love you, Mom! We had our work Christmas party at my parents house (we both work for them!). It was a nice 6 or 7 (we lost count) meal catered by The New Scenic Cafe on the North Shore. It was great food and a very mellow atmosphere, which Greg and I both appreciate. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Back to the Blog
Sorry for the lack of updates! Lots to report on since our last past, most notably the birth of Dylan Thomas Johnson. Michele and Tom welcomed their son into the world on 12/06/2007. Dylan was a healthy 8 pounds 4 ounces and we are so excited for Michele and Tom to enjoy the wonderful world of parenthood. We made the trip to the Cities last weekend to introduce Brooks to his new little cousin. Wow, it's hard to believe that Brooks was ever that small! He's only nine months old, but Brooks looks like a giant compared to baby Dylan.
We had a great visit! In addition to seeing Michele, Tom, and Dylan, we got to spend some time with my mom and dad. We went out to dinner and for the first time ever we ordered restaurant food for Brooks. He's a good little eater and quickly devoured his macaroni and cheese. Our stay at the hotel was good too. Heather was initially disappointed to learn that the fitness room didn't open until 9:00 a.m. (she likes to get her workouts in first thing in the morning) so she improvised and got in a killer workout by utilizing the stairwell. For forty-five minutes she ran up and down the stairs. She could barely walk the next couple of days! After the workout, we decided to put the hotel pool to good use. Brooks is definitely a water baby! We had a lot of fun playing in the pool before we packed up to visit Michele's new family one last time before heading back home.
Babies, babies, everwhere! There must be something in the water because it seems like everyone we know has just had or is expecting a baby. Our friends Joel and Dawn had a baby boy the day after Dylan was born, Chris and Jayme are expecting in the next month or so, and Chris and Amy are also expecting in just over a month. Life is good and we eagerly await these new arrivals!
Switching from babies to toddlers, we celebrated our niece Maggie's 3rd birthday last weekend. Time sure flies, I can't believe that it's been three years already. Each year Keven and Steph give their girls a theme for their birthday parties. This year, Maggie's theme was candy. A very fitting theme for little Maggie Jo-Jo! She even had a pretty special birthday cake that was decorated to resemble the Candyland board game. It's fun watching Keven and Steph's girls grow up. Maggie had a fun day and seemed to enjoy all of her presents. Heather and I gave her an old-school, non-wireless, push-button phone (that's what she wanted). Maggie called us later in the day with her new phone which was a good sign that our gift was a hit.
The last of the big news this past week involves Heather's sister Laura. Laura had been attending the Focus in the Family institute in Colorado Springs for the past few months. We got to welcome her home this week but not before a big scare involving the shootings at the New Life church. Laura not only attended this chuch, she was in the parking lot just minutes before the shootings occurred. We thank God that Laura is safe and pray for the friends and families who have been affected by this senseless tragedy.
That's all for now. We'll try not to go so long before our next post!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Time to Eat!
Big people food! Yeah, Brooks! He is doing so well with crackers, pears, peaches, bananas, turkey, peas, and pretty much anything else we give him. It is amazing what a good "chew, chew, chewer" he has become.
It is also so sad to watch him grow up so fast. Tonight during feeding time, I looked down at my "big" little baby and felt such sadness. His legs and feet are growing every day, and pretty soon he won't want to have his mama feed him a bottle before bed. The baby stage is going way too fast. I try to remember to cherish every moment that we have at this age.
We had a very relaxing weekend with no real obligations. We spent Saturday working- out and hanging out with our cousins Kennedy and Maggie. Family time and working-out are two of our favorite activities. We had a great day!<
On Sunday we went to church and came home to nap. All of us tried to sleep and I think that Mama and Brooks were the only two successful ones. After a much needed rest, we headed out to Sam's Club, and to look at Christmas lights. We were also testing out our new mini-van...yes, you heard it right mini-van, on the icy streets in Duluth. Greg and I were able to trade in our Honda Pilot for a Honda Odyssey. We love the easy in and out of the Odyssey and all the features geared towards families. The mini-van even has a video image of what is behind us when we back up. It is great. I thought I'd never drive a mini-van and actually swore I didn't want to be so "mom-ish", but I am a mom and I love my van!
Brooks loves his rubber ducky so much, he wants to eat it!