Big people food! Yeah, Brooks! He is doing so well with crackers, pears, peaches, bananas, turkey, peas, and pretty much anything else we give him. It is amazing what a good "chew, chew, chewer" he has become.
It is also so sad to watch him grow up so fast. Tonight during feeding time, I looked down at my "big" little baby and felt such sadness. His legs and feet are growing every day, and pretty soon he won't want to have his mama feed him a bottle before bed. The baby stage is going way too fast. I try to remember to cherish every moment that we have at this age.
We had a very relaxing weekend with no real obligations. We spent Saturday working- out and hanging out with our cousins Kennedy and Maggie. Family time and working-out are two of our favorite activities. We had a great day!<
On Sunday we went to church and came home to nap. All of us tried to sleep and I think that Mama and Brooks were the only two successful ones. After a much needed rest, we headed out to Sam's Club, and to look at Christmas lights. We were also testing out our new mini-van...yes, you heard it right mini-van, on the icy streets in Duluth. Greg and I were able to trade in our Honda Pilot for a Honda Odyssey. We love the easy in and out of the Odyssey and all the features geared towards families. The mini-van even has a video image of what is behind us when we back up. It is great. I thought I'd never drive a mini-van and actually swore I didn't want to be so "mom-ish", but I am a mom and I love my van!
Brooks loves his rubber ducky so much, he wants to eat it!