Brooks went to the dentist last week! He has had eight teeth for about 3 months now, so we decided to get them checked. The dentist is great. His name is Dr. Rami (Rami is his first name) and he specializes in children only. He doesn't even see adults! His wife sees the adults at the same building. The dentist's office is equipped with lots of kids toys, a game station, Lego's and TVs with cartoons playing. Brooks waiting in the lobby and played with Lego's until it was his turn. His actual appointment lasted approximately 120 seconds and "everything looks good". The dentist told Greg that we should brush and FLOSS Brooks' teeth every night. I was wondering if Dr. Rami would like to come over to our house each night to sedate Brooks' while we floss! Just kidding! I am not sure we will be able to floss as Brooks loves to bite with his little chompers!

Brooks waited for Dr. Rami. He cried when Dr. Rami looked in his mouth!
Brooks waited for Dr. Rami. He cried when Dr. Rami looked in his mouth!
The weather has been really nice here. We got a little bit of snow a couple of nights ago, but nothing too major. We are blessed enough to be able to walk to the end of our street and get on some snowmobile trails that connect to the Superior Hiking Trail. We took Brooks and Scout (the dog) out last week. Brooks did great and Daddy got a great workout hauling 28 pounds on his back.