We got to enjoy the Brewhouse Triathlon this weekend! Oma and Opa volunteered to take ALL 3 grand-kids so we were all able to race the local triathlon. It was really fun. I was a little bit (okay, a LOT) stressed out about how far out the buoy seemed before the race. I was thinking that I should have signed up for the short course (1/3 mile swim, 10 mile bike, 2.5 mile run) BUT instead I was signed up for the long course (.8 mile swim, 20 mile bike, 5 mile run)! Last year I did the same thing. I stood on the beach, felt like I was going to throw up and convinced myself that I could not swim that far.
It ended up being easier than I had suspected (it was last year too) and turned out to be a really fun race, especially when it was over! We all did great. Each one of us shaved a bunch of time off of our last year's results. I suppose having a 16 month old instead of a 4 month old helped me, as I shaved off over 15 minutes from my time last year. Stephie dominated the race and crushed her time from last year too. It was really fun. I was pretty jealous seeing Stephie, Keven and Linda (Great-Auntie) finishing their run while I was JUST STARTING my bike. They were super encouraging though and Stephie told me she prayed for me the whole time she was running. What a great sister!

Lots of people ask us if we are twins. Sometimes we feel like lying and saying we are (we REALLY want to be twins), but we've decided that lying about it just isn't worth it. We just tell people that we pretend we are twins. Most people look at us like we are weird. We think it is funny.
It ended up being easier than I had suspected (it was last year too) and turned out to be a really fun race, especially when it was over! We all did great. Each one of us shaved a bunch of time off of our last year's results. I suppose having a 16 month old instead of a 4 month old helped me, as I shaved off over 15 minutes from my time last year. Stephie dominated the race and crushed her time from last year too. It was really fun. I was pretty jealous seeing Stephie, Keven and Linda (Great-Auntie) finishing their run while I was JUST STARTING my bike. They were super encouraging though and Stephie told me she prayed for me the whole time she was running. What a great sister!
Lots of people ask us if we are twins. Sometimes we feel like lying and saying we are (we REALLY want to be twins), but we've decided that lying about it just isn't worth it. We just tell people that we pretend we are twins. Most people look at us like we are weird. We think it is funny.
The happy (the race was over) couples! Yeah! We all did so good. I am so proud of everyone today. It was an amazing effort.
Here is a self portrait of us before the race. Can you tell that we took it ourselves? Linda (blue swim suit) told me before the race started, that she wasn't doing the Brewhouse next year! I told her she can't decide that before the race. After the race and after she shattered her time from last year, she made it pretty clear that she will be in again next year. She's so funny.
The happy to be done couple! It was so fun to do an event together. Life has changed dramatically since Brooks entered our world so it is always fun to do events together when we get the chance. I should mention that we both think life has changed for the better (or should I say BEST?) since Brooks entered our world. Amen.