We started to decorate for Christmas this last week. Brooks loves the animals we put on our front porch. He has become mighty obsessed with them and has small temper tantrums when we won't take him outside in the freezing weather to look at them. Of course his Daddy gave in and took Brooks out to look at the polar bear. Notice the matching outfits? That is what I came home to on Monday after work. Greg had taken Brooks shopping and got matching outfits. They were so cute. I love my men!

Greg had a great idea. He connected Brooks' water (juice, milk) to him by using our running belts. Brooks is super cute taking his sippy cup in and out of his holder. He stops, takes a sip, and puts the cup back in the holster.

Today we FINALLY got to see our cousins. We've had some illness in our household and have not hung out with them since last Friday! We really missed them and Brooks was overjoyed when they showed up this afternoon. Maggie and Brooks took a turn playing nice together. They don't always play nice. In fact, Maggie hits Brooks and Brooks hits Maggie. Maggie might not be doing anything and Brooks pulls her hair. Brooks might be minding his own business and Maggie pushes him. They are so funny. I know they love each other so much, but I think it is the ages of the two. Brooks really gets on Maggie's nerves when he "wrecks" her stuff. Brooks doesn't understand. Here they are though being buddies.

Opa took Brooks tonight for the entire evening! We needed to finish putting up our tree and decorating, so my dad was kind enough to take Brooks to dinner and shopping. Brooks came back a Minnesota Vikings fan, I guess! We don't follow sports in our household, but I sure think his little wind suit was adorable. Brooks loves his Opa to pieces.

We are going to Trans Siberian Orchestra this weekend! Yeah! We are so excited that Auntie Linda has volunteered to take Brooks overnight on Saturday and all day Sunday! It should be a great weekend to re-connect with my hubby and listen to some great Christmas music!