We had Auntie Bean come over this week to take some pictures for our Christmas card. We had some done professionally, but none of them turned out very good. Auntie Bean is just about as good as a professional, so we were thankful she took time with us. These pictures below are NOT our Christmas card, that will remain a surprise. These are some really cute ones though.

Brooks loves to "rocky-rocky" on his horse. The other day no one was paying attention to him, so he decided to stand up on the back of the horse. I told him he was going to fall and hurt himself. He did fall, but not much pain (I don't think).
Brooks loves to "rocky-rocky" on his horse. The other day no one was paying attention to him, so he decided to stand up on the back of the horse. I told him he was going to fall and hurt himself. He did fall, but not much pain (I don't think).
Brooks is obsessed with these animals on our porch as I mentioned before. Here he is kissing the Polar Bear.