Brooks loves to read. He also loves when we read to him. His favorite books right now are Percival the Plain Little Caterpillar, Hooray for Fish, Hands are Not for Hitting (although he hits a lot right now, we are working on that), and any book that has Elmo in it. We recently bought him a booster seat for at the table. Before we could install it, he took the booster seat into his play area, put it by his book shelf, and decided to kick back and relax with a good book. So cute.

Brooks has become a much pickier eater lately. We have stopped giving him full breakfasts because he won't eat them. Now, he gets some cereal in a cup or a yogurt. That is about all he will eat (if that). He also has gotten into the habit of saying "All done" after one bite of any meal. It is so frustrating. We just sit down to eat, and Brooks is "all done"! Of course we don't let him down, but it makes for a very long and non-relaxing meal.
Speaking of meals, tonight we had turkey burgers for dinner. Brooks didn't eat much, but he had lots of fun with the dip-dip. You may want to enlarge the photo to get the full idea. He is currently in the bathtub. (Side note: I can hear everything that is going on downstairs in the tub and Brooks just had daddy pray for Elmo. It makes me smile.)
Brooks has become a much pickier eater lately. We have stopped giving him full breakfasts because he won't eat them. Now, he gets some cereal in a cup or a yogurt. That is about all he will eat (if that). He also has gotten into the habit of saying "All done" after one bite of any meal. It is so frustrating. We just sit down to eat, and Brooks is "all done"! Of course we don't let him down, but it makes for a very long and non-relaxing meal.
Speaking of meals, tonight we had turkey burgers for dinner. Brooks didn't eat much, but he had lots of fun with the dip-dip. You may want to enlarge the photo to get the full idea. He is currently in the bathtub. (Side note: I can hear everything that is going on downstairs in the tub and Brooks just had daddy pray for Elmo. It makes me smile.)
Things have been tough around our house lately. I feel really tired and sick lots of the days. It is so hard this time around because I have a child to take care of and I have to worry about someone other than myself. I am told by some very wonderful women (Mom and Steph), that Brooks won't remember me being tired and lethargic. I sure hope not, because I feel like a really bad mom lately. It is so hard to muster up the energy to play tag, dance with Brooks, be silly with Brooks or do just about anything active with him.
I still seem to feel best when I am exercising, but I also think that is wears me out a lot quicker than I am used to. I am still able to run and lift weights. I am getting pretty chubby in my mind, even though Greg says I just look like the rest of the world now. How sweet. I don't look prego, just soft in the middle. I remember wishing last time for the pregnant belly, but then when I got it I didn't really like it. I guess it is a no win situation. The end result however, is just about the best thing in the world. Just look at the picture below and you'll know what I mean.