We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary this year by going back to Maplelag (a cross country ski resort). We had a blast. Thanks to all the family who helped out with the kids. Steph and Keven came with to celebrate their anniversary as well. We got married about a week apart. They were celebrating their 11th anniversary. We got tons of skiing in, and it seemed like we did much more than last year. I felt pretty good and don't think I slowed the group down too much. I ended up taking some naps, but all in all the trip was still worth it. We enjoyed classic skiing and the beauty of Maplelag. We did do a hard workout at 6:00 am skating, but once that was "out of the way" we just enjoyed the outdoors and skied at a recreational pace. It was a blast.

Here we are at the top of "the Toot". we have our poles crossed because it is a very steep hill that we did not go on. We ended up back tracking and going around the hill. I guess I have so much more to worry about than just myself, so I decided not to take the risk of getting hurt. The boys did the hill and said it wasn't bad, but I just had to be careful.
Here we are at the top of "the Toot". we have our poles crossed because it is a very steep hill that we did not go on. We ended up back tracking and going around the hill. I guess I have so much more to worry about than just myself, so I decided not to take the risk of getting hurt. The boys did the hill and said it wasn't bad, but I just had to be careful.
There is nothing better than being in the woods, getting exercise and breathing fresh air with the man you love. Seriously, I could not ask for a better husband. I can't wait for the next 3 years and then the next 3 years and then the next 3 years....(you get it, right?).
Brooks was happy to see us, but not too happy. He really likes being at his Auntie Linda's house and also got some quality time with his Oma and Opa. He did think he was pretty cool with his daddy's hat on. What a sweet smile.