Chloe is almost too big to be in her bassinet for fear that she may sit up and fall out of it. Brooks on the other hand, would like to go backwards in time and be a baby again. He turns three on Saturday, but would like to snuggle in Chloe's bassinet as long as we will let him.

Brooks has a great sense of humor. He loves to pretend to sleep, snoring and all.
Brooks has a great sense of humor. He loves to pretend to sleep, snoring and all.
Brooks got a super cool jacket from his Oma and Opa recently. He insists it has a hood (which it does not) and like to wear it like this with the "hood up". He loves this jacket because it is like what a pilot wears on the airplane. Brooks might just be going on an airplane to see Mickey Mouse in the very near future. He is just a little bit excited.