Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Greg and I both desire for Chloe and Brooks to always have a sense of being loved and protected. We try really hard to lay with our kids, touch them often, rub their backs, snuggle with them and make eye contact with them. We try really hard to answer Brooks' questions even when it isn't the best time and he's asked a million times. We try to have fun with our kids to create memories that will last a lifetime. All we desire for our children is that number one they grow up to love the Lord and number two they knew their entire lives were filled with love, security and an overwhelming sense of contentment.

When times get wild and frustrating (this weekend for example) I need to remember what the goal is in raising our children. How can I not pour my heart and soul into these beautiful faces? As a parent they rely on me for just about everything. I need to work on taking a deep breath and continuing to strive for our goals we've set as parents. It's not easy, but just look at these faces! I've got to do it for them.

And I will.
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This picture pretty much sums up the last week for the Johnson family. Brooks had RSV and Croup. Chloe may have had RSV (not sure) and has been absolutely miserable. Chloe and Brooks have not slept through the night in a long time and last night I had the pleasure of having a cuddle session with Chloe-Belle from 2:00 on. It was just lovely.

I think we are on the mend. Brooks is getting better by the second and Chloe is at her all time low, so I don't think there is anywhere else for her to go than up!

On another note, we've really been missing our daddy. It's hard to be a single parent when both kids are sick. Come home soon, Daddy. Puh-leese!
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It pretty much blows my mind that we are two months away from Chloe-Belle being 1 year old. Time has flown by, and I feel like the rush of life has caused me to miss my baby girl growing up. Ugh, I can't stand that. I wish that I could just have the days slow down and have more time one on one with my baby.

Here are 10 things everyone should know about Chloe-Belle in honor of her 10 month birthday:

1.) Chloe is currently teething. She has 4 teeth on the top that are poking out from under her red and inflamed gums. This makes for a very sad Chloe who struggles with just getting through the day. Chloe has only two teeth right now. The bottom, center two.

2.) Chloe is starting to eat banana. Real banana. It's really cute. Our nanny froze some on Friday for us to give to her and she loved them, so this morning I gave her a real banana (as opposed to baby food).

3.) Chloe is wearing size 12-18 month clothing. If a store runs small, Chloe busts out of 12 month clothing!

4.) Chloe can say: "Mama and Hi" and understands what she is saying. She babbles a lot as well. Today I heard her look at her Opa and say "Opa", but it's hard to tell if it was a coincidence.

5.) Chloe is attached to a very small blanket with a bunny head on it. We tried really hard to not "attach" her to anything and somehow she found this bunny blanket to be attached to. (For the record, I have already gone on Ebay and found more if them as they are no longer available in stores)

6.) Chloe pulls herself up on everything and has yet to really cruise furniture.

7.) Chloe just started crawling this week. She did a military scooch before, and now she really crawls and is much faster.

8.) Chloe is able to crawl up a flight of stairs.

9.) Chloe goes to bed at 6:15 pm and wakes up at 7:30 am (on a typical, not sick, not teething night).

10.) At this point, Chloe's favorite person is her daddy. She really only wants him if he is around. It's cute because someday she'll only want her mom...like when she needs to talk about BOYS! :)

Chloe is such a blessing to our family. She completed us and I know I sound like a broken record, but we continually thank the Lord for the gift of Chloe and the gift of these lives we are honored to raise.

I can't believe I need to start planning her first birthday! Yikes!

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Brooks got invited to an overnight at his Grandma and Grandpa's house last week. For about an hour he sat at the window waiting for Grandma to pick him up. He was so excited. When she came (right on time, although you would have thought she was an hour late!) he burst out the door and could have cared less that he was leaving me. He was so excited to make cookies, do crafts and play with the bunny. He came home very worn out and I am sure Grandma had a great nap to make up for lost sleep. Grandma Johnson doesn't just have Brooks come over to play...she plays WITH him the entire time.
Thanks for the break, Grandma. Brooks had a blast!
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My baby sister is MARRIED! WHAT?
Okay, this isn't the best picture but I have ZERO from the wedding. It was a beautiful time and we are so glad that she is happy.
Brooks and Belle were both in the wedding and were adorable. I will have to try to find some pictures I can post. It was super cute.

Love you Laura and Chris!
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Someday soon I am going to learn how to put video on this blog. I used to be able to, but now it doesn't seem to work. Chloe-Belle has started the absolutely most adorable thing in her life...to date. :)

When we say, "Praise the Lord", she raises her hands and smiles as big as she can. She also caulks her head sideways as she raises her hands which causes her already gigantic cheeks to squinch together and become even bigger!

Sometimes if we aren't paying attention to her and she wants us to, she does it on her own and giggles. It's the best and a picture just doesn't do it justice. I've got to figure out that video thing...

Oh, and on another note...We are starting Chloe-Belle early on the weights!
(Don't worry I am just kidding. I am going to do anything in my power to help Chloe-Belle to NOT have eating and body issues.)
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day "rocked the house down" as Brooks often tells his teachers at school.
It started with a beautifully wrapped present from Brooks. The present was great, but the card and envelope pretty much made my day. Brooks had help with the first "M" but was able to do the rest by himself. He even wrapped the present on his own and may have used more tape than wrapping paper.

Brooks was very excited to open my present for me. What a sweetie!

As a family we went to church and to a local playground to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was so fun to watch Brooks play and reflect on being a Mom to the two most beautiful kiddos alive. :)

Greg surprised me with an afternoon and night away. We had our Auntie come over and stay at our house while we played tourist around town. We shopped, ate, swam and even stayed at a hotel. The best part of the entire day was being able to have a conversation with my hubby without being interrupted.

My day was perfect. Thanks, honey.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Because I always have to be just like my sister Steph...

I am now dark.

First time in YEARS.

It's pretty fun, I must say.
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