Greg and I both desire for Chloe and Brooks to always have a sense of being loved and protected. We try really hard to lay with our kids, touch them often, rub their backs, snuggle with them and make eye contact with them. We try really hard to answer Brooks' questions even when it isn't the best time and he's asked a million times. We try to have fun with our kids to create memories that will last a lifetime. All we desire for our children is that number one they grow up to love the Lord and number two they knew their entire lives were filled with love, security and an overwhelming sense of contentment.
When times get wild and frustrating (this weekend for example) I need to remember what the goal is in raising our children. How can I not pour my heart and soul into these beautiful faces? As a parent they rely on me for just about everything. I need to work on taking a deep breath and continuing to strive for our goals we've set as parents. It's not easy, but just look at these faces! I've got to do it for them.
And I will.
When times get wild and frustrating (this weekend for example) I need to remember what the goal is in raising our children. How can I not pour my heart and soul into these beautiful faces? As a parent they rely on me for just about everything. I need to work on taking a deep breath and continuing to strive for our goals we've set as parents. It's not easy, but just look at these faces! I've got to do it for them.
And I will.