Someday soon I am going to learn how to put video on this blog. I used to be able to, but now it doesn't seem to work. Chloe-Belle has started the absolutely most adorable thing in her date. :)
When we say, "Praise the Lord", she raises her hands and smiles as big as she can. She also caulks her head sideways as she raises her hands which causes her already gigantic cheeks to squinch together and become even bigger!
Sometimes if we aren't paying attention to her and she wants us to, she does it on her own and giggles. It's the best and a picture just doesn't do it justice. I've got to figure out that video thing...

Oh, and on another note...We are starting Chloe-Belle early on the weights!
(Don't worry I am just kidding. I am going to do anything in my power to help Chloe-Belle to NOT have eating and body issues.)
When we say, "Praise the Lord", she raises her hands and smiles as big as she can. She also caulks her head sideways as she raises her hands which causes her already gigantic cheeks to squinch together and become even bigger!
Sometimes if we aren't paying attention to her and she wants us to, she does it on her own and giggles. It's the best and a picture just doesn't do it justice. I've got to figure out that video thing...
Oh, and on another note...We are starting Chloe-Belle early on the weights!
(Don't worry I am just kidding. I am going to do anything in my power to help Chloe-Belle to NOT have eating and body issues.)