Our baby girl isn't really a baby anymore. Sad. Not sad enough to have another one, though! Well, we would have another one IF Greg could be the one to be pregnant. Might be selfish but let's get real here...being pregnant is my least favorite thing EVER! God gave us two great end results though, so I'll stop complaining right now.

Chloe helped her Daddy shovel last week. What a sweetie. We contemplated letting her wear Brooks' old snowsuit this winter, but now that I see the pink I am glad we changed our minds. Blue and black just wouldn't have been right.

Chloe is in a phase right now that is less than desirable at times. She doesn't enjoy anyone other than her Mommy and Daddy touching her, holding her, picking her up or even saying "hi" to her. It makes for frustrating times, but also melts our hearts when she charges full speed ahead into our arms because she ONLY wants us. We do look forward to this time passing, though.

This picture looks JUST LIKE ME when I was little. It must be the piggies or maybe it's the cottage cheese all over her face. Whatever it is, it is amazing how much she looks like her Mommy. Now I don't think I can say how cute she is because that might sound bad, but I can't resist. She is SO CUTE! I L..O..V..E...having a girl. It's so fun.