We had ourselves a Merry Little Christmas. It might have been my favorite Christmas so far. We decided to do the "no presents for the adults" thing and it rocked. Instead, we were able to love each other up, spend time chatting, skating, sledding, praising the Lord, praying and watching the kids open presents. It added so much to our Christmas to have the no present rule. I would highly recommend it.

We got to serve at the Union Gospel Mission earlier in the week and enjoyed serving those who are seldom served. What a blessing to us. We went from there directly to Bentlyville which was amazing. The weather was perfect and the cookies and hot chocolate were Brooks' favorites.

We adopted two Super Hero kids this Christmas, too. We have never (to date) seen Chloe and Brooks behave in such rock star fashion. They were happy, obedient and full of love the entire weekend. They were so well behaved I actually am considering adding another baby to our family this year...NOT. Maybe a baby guinea pig for Brooks, but that's about it. Sorry, folks.

Little Chloe-Belle has come into her own. She is beautiful, fun and loving. She took very good care of her new baby doll, but mostly enjoyed the eating a sucker and sitting on her Daddy's lap the entire evening.

We got to go sledding and skating on Christmas Day and had a blast. Chloe loves to run around the ice, Brooks loves to skate and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed doting on our children. They most likely had the two best days of their lives. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were amazing.

Brooks loved his hockey gear. He was very precious when he opened his hockey mask from his cousins. While screaming with joy, he asked, "How did they know I love hockey?" Oh, sweet Brooks..they must have just known.
We are just so blessed. Blessed to have family, blessed to have beautiful children and blessed that we have a Lord who died on the cross, has forgiven our sins and gave us the best gift of all: Eternal Life.
Thank you Lord for it all.