Here's the most random blog I've written. Bear with me.
Brooks likes to wear his hockey helmet while watching hockey on television, while watching Mighty Ducks on his I pod, while playing hockey with his indoor hockey net. So there you have it. Did you catch that? Picture it. It is sweet.
Brooks likes to do crafts with his cousins. Here is the "winter craft" we worked on last week. Today he was asking his TiTi if she'd come over and do a craft with him. She said she wasn't sure she'd be able to. Through tears and whining he says to TiTi, "I have never done a craft before. PLEASE?" Maybe I should show him this picture of the craft he's "never" done.
Oh, and Chloe's stinking cute. Like so cute it's hard to get upset when she cries every time she doesn't get her way or when she lays on the floor at skating lessons today because I wouldn't let her hold the Tupperware full of food she kept flinging all over the place. I guess she knows what she wants. I wonder where she got her determination from. I think I know, but I'll let you decide.

On a final note, I am convinced that I have the best husband in the world. I could list all the things he does that are just not normal for a husband to do, but you'd think I was lying. This man is amazing and I am sure that I love him even MORE TODAY than our wedding day. If that is even possible.