We continue to be in awe of the differences between Brooks and Chloe. Each child is precious in their own way, but having a girl is so very different than a boy. It's cool how at 18 months we can already tell that Chloe is a true girl.
Although Chloe struggle to talk (Brooks was saying Bible verses at this age), she knows what she wants and won't stop grunting until she gets it. She is very difficult to get a smile out of and is not interested in anyone talking to her, holding her or looking at her.
Chloe is, however, MUCH more easy going than Brooks ever was as long as she is with her Mommy or Daddy. She is content to waddle around behind us while we complete our daily routines and would be even more content to sit on our laps or be held most of the day. Chloe also enjoys sitting still and being rubbed. Brooks was never a kid who sat still for more than a few seconds.
Chloe can't stand to have her hands messy and loves to put her coat on and wear it around the house. She also loves to wear bracelets and necklaces whenever possible.
It's going to be fun to watch Chloe grow up. We wonder if she'll be sugar and spice and everything nice OR if she'll take after her brother and enjoy frogs and snails and puppy-dogs' tails?
What an adventure.