Brooks has his fair share of time-out time. Chloe gets upset when he is in time-out. She tries to console him, which leads to more screaming from Brooks. Here is her attempt at consoling her Brother. He wasn't having it.

Chloe must keep up with her Brother. Therefore, you may find her at any moment ready to shoot.

We call Brooks "Mini-Opa" because he looks just like my dad when my dad was 4. It's amazing the resemblance, really.
Originally, we bought the Squinkies for Brooks. Yes, they are pink and he loved them. They quickly got old, but Chloe loves to organize them. She'll spend long periods of time at the table putting them each in their place.
The differences between my little girl and my big boy are obvious. My little girl prefers snuggles, tummy rubs, footie jammies and feeding her dollies. My big boy prefers to make fake guns out of everything, break most of his toys and run wild on the "property" (our yard). I love the difference and feel blessed to have the best of both worlds.

*For those who are concerned: We don't teach Brooks to shoot guns at people. We only shoot animals at our house and we really avoid violence at all costs. So, before you start to worry about our parenting...We've got it under control.