I didn't do a Father's Day post. It's pretty fitting that I didn't have time, though. We don't have time to do anything around here these days. We are in the most challenging journey of our lives raising these beautiful children. It's tough stuff. But, I know that Greg wouldn't change a thing. I know that although we don't classify the last few months as "fun", Greg would never want a Father's Day to come and go without being able to be call himself "daddy".
Chloe loves to take care of her Daddy.
(We left out the pictures of her ripping this massage stick out of another person's hand in order to get what she wanted. If we were to post that, it would just ruin the Father's Day post..right?)
Father's Day morning Brooks and I made Daddy pancakes and we gave him lots of loves. Brooks and his Daddy have a great relationship and because Greg loves Brooks enough to discipline many times you may overhear Brooks saying, "I am not your friend. I do not like you. I am not living at this house anymore." Tonight, when Brooks went to bed he told his Daddy, "Tomorrow, Daddy, I am going to love you again (sweet) and then I am going to push you into the wall (not sweet)!"
The intensity of this boy is unreal. If we do things right and channel his intensity in the right way, he might just rule this world someday.
I am so glad I am married to this man. Although we have not had a complete conversation in months, I know that when the kids are 18 and we get to talk to each other again, we'll have lots to say and lots of love to share. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this daddy.