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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I can't take credit for the idea, but I saw this super fun idea on a blog I follow.  I don't know the official name for it, but it's basically a chance for me to confess 10 things you may not know about me.

Here we go:
1.)  I am in shape and am semi very obsessed with working out.  I love it and it's something that I do for me almost every day of the week.  I typically work out before most everyone gets out of bed. Except my kids of course.  My early risers are always up when I work out.

2.)  I don't do laundry or house work.  I'm serious.  Greg does it all.  There is occasional "I need to deep clean this house now" but those come usually once a month.  :)  Greg does the day-to-day laundry and deep cleaning.  Don't get me wrong, I like to do a general "pick-up" but if you ever stop by unannounced you'll likely see Greg folding laundry and mopping the floors.  

3.)  When I was first told about Greg and who he was (and that he was cute, nice and single) I thought I was just way too cool for Greg.  Ha, ha, ha.  I had not a clue that he is the most amazing man I have ever met in my entire life.  Not to mention way cooler than I am.

4.)  I don't feed my kids a very healthy diet.  It's weird that I care so much about staying in shape and eating right but don't stress about them eating Oreos and Spaghetti-O's for lunch.  I should care more and that might be my resolution after Christmas since I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions.  They never work.

5.)  Speaking of eating healthy.  I do eat healthy most days but I also eat Whip Cream EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I recently went on a "week off" of Reddi-Wip, but caved in when my co-worker brought a can to my office.  So then, I changed my "week off"  of Reddi-Wip to a "week off at home" of Reddi-Wip.  (Note:  Reddi-Wip is spelled correctly.  There is no "h" in Whip.  Trust me, I know.)

7.)  I sometimes wish I was my sister Stephanie.  She stays at home with her kids.  Her kids are beautiful and perfect in every way.  They obey, they are smart, they love Jesus, they are sweet, they are QUIET!  They also happen to be older than my kids and are both girls.  But anyway, sometimes I daydream about being a homeschool mom who doesn't have to run to an office job and try to juggle meetings at work with a life at home.  But,  I count  my blessings and remember how much I HATE jealousy (including my own).  Then I get over it and stop wishing for everything I don't have and focus on everything I do have.  This typically lasts until the next time I have to stay late at work while my kids eat McDonald's for dinner with their daddy.  Typically at that point, it's a re-run of my daydream of staying at home and being a super awesome mom like my sister Stephanie is.

8.)  I am a confident business woman and can run a meeting or train my 200 employees without thinking twice about it, but I am naturally a super shy girl.  I hid behind my parent's legs when I was little so that no one could talk to me or see me.  I have stopped doing that, but our family joke is that I hate people.  I don't really "hate" people (in our home we save our hate for the Devil), but would be very content never having to meet a new person again. That's bad and sometimes comes across as me being snotty or arrogant.  I'm really not either of those words, I'm just nervous, anxious and not comfortable making small talk.  I'm working on it and it's hard to change something that is so deep inside me.

9.)  I am happy for others when they get/do/receive nice things.  I don't like to be around people who are jealous.  (see #7: note to self).

10.)  I take a bath every day.  I hate being cold.  I eat cottage cheese and peanut butter right out of the container.  I sleep with a fan on for noise.  I get up at least once every single night.  I am an anxious person and worry about everything. I love Jesus and serve Him.  My best friends are my family.  My kids never nap at the same time.  I am tired all the time.  I love to chew gum.  I am allergic to yellow squash.  I love my husband and kids more than I ever knew I could love.

Do you feel like you know me better?