Life According to my I-Phone:
1.) Potty Training FAIL. Three years old. Still wearing diapers. Declares she will wear them until she's 8 or 10 or forever depending on when you ask and what mood she's in at that moment.
Praying (really, for real, praying) for a miracle.
2.) Massive house clean/purge/organization has been taking place since early September. Less is more, we are convinced. It feels so good. Recently started Dave Ramsey's financial peace and loving that as well.
3.) Playing outside in swimsuits in mid-September was sweet. Love that winter is taking its time. Promised myself I wouldn't live in Duluth this winter. Waaaahhhh....
4.) Long hard day at work. Greeted by this handsome man. Makes my day.
5.) Putting out fires. Loving Lakeview Christian (Kindergarten). Learning about firefighters, as well as speaking Spanish better than I ever have. I took Spanish in High School.
6.) Blessed by a boy. A boy. A boy. 100% boy. He played in these shoes for a couple hours. He says they felt "fine".
7.) Trips to Target are limited (Dave Ramsey), but when we go I'm sure to dress my princess in her Sunday best. Three years ago I would have told you I never would let her go in public like this. Her closet full of frill is useless.
8.) I've been swimming a couple times a week. It's takes great motivation to dive in, but once I've braved the cold I'm convinced this is one of my favorite forms of exercise.
9.) Celebrated National Vegan day with my Vegan sister. Found out the average vegan lives 15 years longer than the average carnivore. Love you, Steph and you're crazy food choices.
10.) Last but certainly not least. My kids have some rockin' Grandparents. I know it comes as a shock, but Elvis won the church costume contest and sang a beautiful song upon accepting his award...all while wearing REAL BLUE SUEDE shoes. Too much fun.