We had a great New Year's celebration with friends from church and our family. We were so happy that lots of the people we love were able to come to our house for lots of food, Wii, and fun! At the end of the night we went around the room and told everyone the best thing that happened in 2007! It wasn't hard for us. Brooks is a true blessing to our family and the best thing that happened in 2007. We thank God every day for Brooks and can't think of anything better than having a healthy little buddy in our family.
Speaking of the little buddy, he had his first blood on New Year's Eve. Our sister, Laura, was able to capture the moment perfectly! It turns out it was just a little cut in his mouth and was not a big deal. You wouldn't know it by his face though! Take a look...
We rang the New Year in early (around 10:00) with streamers, noise makers and hats! None of us were able to make it to midnight.
This morning we went in the back yard and "groomed" a snowshoe route with our snowshoes. A bunch of us did relays and races in the back yard for about an hour. It was a blast (if you like the feeling of almost throwing up after your leg of the relay!) We were excited that our Pastor joined us. Afterwards we all came inside for coffee, oatmeal and eggs. Yum, Yum!
Happy New Year to everyone. May this year be better than last, or just as great if you had a year that would be hard to top (like we did)!
Love to all!