It's not too often that we have a whole weekend without any obligations. With the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season behind us, followed up by a great anniversary weekend, we found ourselves with a weekend with no real plans. Friday night was spent hanging out at the house and watching Friday Night Lights, our favorite show. The whole family was pretty tired and we went to bed early. It might sound boring, but it was a perfect night.
Heather and Steph hit the gym fist thing Saturday morning for another workout with trainer Matt. They love working out and Matt's doing a great job with them. He always seems to come up with new exercises to mix things up and to push them to the next level. I better watch out because Heather's starting to get some pretty nice pipes!
After Heather got back from workout we got together with the rest of her family to discuss the upcoming family vacation over lunch. More details soon to follow, but it will be FUN! Everyone will have a great time, especially the kids. With the trip details finalized, we spent the afternoon shopping in Canal Park and just bumming around. Again, I'm sure that it sounds boring but it was just what we needed.
The fun day continued into Saturday evening with the family over for pizza and ice cream and a little bit of Wii action. Saturday is the one day of the week where we don't worry about eating junk food. We like to refer to it as "cheats." We love cheat day and the pizza and dessert didn't disappoint.
I found my video game skills to be lacking as Keven easily outscored me in just about every game we played. I'm definitely not good at it, but it was fun playing Wii.
On to Sunday. Race Day. I talked Heather into doing her first cross-country ski race and she was pretty nervous about it. Mostly she just didn't want to finish last. Heather is a natural athlete and I knew that she would do great, but she didn't know what expect. We loaded up the car and headed over to Boulder Lake for the race. There were lots of people and it was fun to run into a few friends we hadn't seen in a while. As for scoping out Heather's competition, it can be quite intimidating to see so many racers all decked out with fancy race suits and expensive skis. Almost all of the participants fit that description. I told Heather just to ski at her own pace and that she would do just fine. After the gun went off, it quickly became apparant that Heather no longer had to worry about finishing last. She was far from it as she skied out of sight in mid-pack. It wasn't a particularly good course for spectators, so we (Kev, Steph, Kennedy, and Maggie were also present to show their support) had to wait until she crossed the finish line to see how she did and get the post race report. Heather would tell you that it was a small field and that there weren't a lot of participants, but she did great. Third overall woman and solidly in the mid to upper half of the pack. Great job Honey! Not bad for your first xc ski race! I'm proud of you.
It just wouldn't be a true blog update without talking about Brooks. He continues to amaze us daily and we thank God constantly for him. It's so much fun to watch him learn new things every day. He's started to make sounds starting with G, he LOVES balls, and is really good at putting things in and out of containers. It's so much fun to show him how to do something and see him mimic it. I'm thankful to have such a great wife to raise this little buddy with. Family life is good.