The weather in Duluth is FINALLY starting to shape up. I suppose now that I wrote that the weather will turn on us. Anyhow, we were able to get outside for almost the whole day today. It was a blast. We made a huge hopscotch game on the driveway and also did some fun drawings. I also taught Cousin Kaa-Kaa how to play two square. It was very fun. Brooks did great as well. He crawled in the dirt, got his pants full of chalk and got numerous rides in his "car". Once in a while I had to remind his cousins to hang onto him while he was riding in his car. It was a pretty funny sight glancing over to see Brooks flying down the driveway in his car with no one holding onto him. He had no clue that was was on his own and would just smile at me. He had no injuries today though, which was a good sign.

Kennedy is a master at hopscotch. She helped me make the game and did the number 8 all by herself. I don't know if you can see it well but she did a really good job. She has grown up so much.
Kennedy is a master at hopscotch. She helped me make the game and did the number 8 all by herself. I don't know if you can see it well but she did a really good job. She has grown up so much.
Now that Brooks has 9 teeth that are fully in and 3 more molars that are partly in he does really well with apples. We've let him eat them in the past at Cub Foods (they give free apples to kids, you know!) but now we feel like he can "really" eat them with no problem. They also happen to be one of his favorite foods because they look like a ball of course!
Our stubborn little guy has no desire to walk. I take that back, he does want to walk, but only with the help of his shopping cart. When we try to get him to walk to us without help he lays down on the floor, arches his back and cries. Everyone tells us that he will walk "in his own time" so I guess we will keep waiting. He does like to stand on his own for long period of times. Sometimes I wonder if he even knows he isn't hanging onto anything.