Brooks got a buzz cut on Monday night. He is now just like his daddy. Brooks has hair that grows like a weed and has had 4 or 5 haircuts already. I was excited to see what he looked like with a buzz and I must say he is rather handsome. Brooks had a great day today. We had to go tot he doctor because he had been running a fever for the last 4 days but today (the day of his appointment) he had no fever. Typical. Anyhow, we are glad we went. Brooks was diagnosed with Roseola. It is basically baby mumps--it starts with a fever for 3-7 days and after the fever is gone a rash occurs on the trunk of his body. So far the fever is gone, his lymph nodes in the back of his head are still swollen BUT he does not have "the rash" yet. We will continue to pray that the doctor was wrong and that Brooks does not get the rash.

We were able to go out tonight for a walk to enjoy the almost 70 degree weather. We went and checked out some mountain bike trails by our house. They are really wet, but Brooks loved being outside.
We were able to go out tonight for a walk to enjoy the almost 70 degree weather. We went and checked out some mountain bike trails by our house. They are really wet, but Brooks loved being outside.
When we got home we played outside, rode bikes with our cousins and continued to enjoy the beautiful evening.
Greg bought me this cruiser bike last year. It is so much fun. When I rode it to the gym last year I felt like I was 8 years old again. It even has back-pedal brakes. You can't see it well in this picture, but the seat has leopard print and the paint job is flowers. I love it! The neighbor boys who are in high school must think I am a nut, but I don't care. Life is great.