Today was Brooks' first time experiencing the dirt. We went to Playfront Park in Duluth because the weather was amazing! We didn't even need our jackets. We got unloaded from the van and set Brooks down to play. He was going to have nothing to do with the dirt. He cried and stood up right away and hung onto Auntie S'ers for dear life. Once he decided to sit down in the dirt, he sat in one spot for almost 40 minutes because he did not want to get his hands dirty! I had to remind Brooks that he was a boy! Finally, after almost an hour he got some courage and got his hands dirty. Once he realized it wasn't that bad, he had a blast. He took one tumble and came up with a mouth full of rocks--but no major damage.

Here is Brooks hanging on for dear life. "Please don't let me go Auntie S'ers! At least pick me up!"
Here is Brooks hanging on for dear life. "Please don't let me go Auntie S'ers! At least pick me up!"
Here is the spot that Brooks sat in for a very long time. He was content playing with his shovel and clapping for himself. His cousins tried to get him to come and play with the big kids, but he wasn't so sure.
We tried out the swing and he wasn't really a fan. He only wanted to eat his goldfish. He didn't like going high on the swing.
FINALLY! We ended up having a blast. He got a lot more courage and climbed on everything, played in the dirt and took some spills. When we got home this afternoon, he went right into the bathtub and down for a nap. He didn't make a peep. He was very obviously exhausted. We are so thankful for nice weather and can't wait for all the outdoor adventures to come! Now Brooks will have two full days with only his Daddy because I am heading out of town for work. Bummer. I can't stand being away from my buddy.