Brooks participated in his first race this weekend. On Friday, he got to run the 100 yard dash as part of the Grandma's Marathon festivities. Brooks wins the award for the cutest kid in my mind (of course)! Brooks took last place, but we were still really proud of him. He cried about 50 yards into the race, but finished! That's all that counts. I helped by holding a balloon (ball) out in front of him. This kept him going!

Thanks to Auntie Bean for the sweet headband and sweat bands.
Thanks to Auntie Bean for the sweet headband and sweat bands.
Notice the face? Brooks was so sad after the race. He needed something to drink and a nap! It was a great event. Each participant got a ribbon (Brooks is holding his above), a number and an awesome goody bag. What a fun day! It was so nice of Daddy to take a half a day off at work so that he could be with us.