Brooks got a special surprise today when his Oma showed up with a new truck for him. Brooks loves trucks and has learned to push them on the floor make his version of a "Vrrrmmmm" sound. He does this with airplanes too, except he is smart enough to know that airplanes go in the air not on the ground. It's really fun to watch him learn. He is so smart and picks up lots of what we teach him. Anyhow, back to the truck. Brooks became quickly obsessed with the truck and insisted that he be inside the truck. He would climb up into the truck and then look at us like "push me, please...". He got lots of pushes and in return we got lots of smiles. He is so spoiled.

This truck was a great buy because I am sure he'll have it until he's at least ten years old. It will be fun to watch the function of the truck change as he gets older.
This truck was a great buy because I am sure he'll have it until he's at least ten years old. It will be fun to watch the function of the truck change as he gets older.
Brooks continues to work on his walking. He is doing pretty well and is now able to get into a standing position without holding onto anything. I would say he prefers to walk, but only until he falls. Once he falls he seldom gets back up and tries to walk. He's doing great though and I am relieved that he is able to walk--finally!
P.S. Brooks made the sound of a rabbit today and pointed to the rabbit in the book! We've been making animal sounds for months now and he finally is able to make at least one of them back to us! Yeah, Brooks! (I realize that rabbits don't really make noise, but we made up a noise for a rabbit! It is what we "imagine" a rabbit would sound like if they made sounds!) We have so much fun.