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Friday, May 30, 2008

My "Cool" Dude!

This week didn't consist of anything too exciting so I thought I would just show you what a "cool" kid my little "man" has become. He is in a temper tantrum stage right now where he arches his back, kicks his legs and tries to bang his head on the floor. I guess I had this coming to me because I hear I was the "temper tantrum" child of our household. I have been practicing walking away from him and ignoring his tantrums (that is what my Mom used to do to me!), but he is just so pathetic and cute when he has them. I will try to capture one on video or at least get a picture of one. On a serious note though, I hope he stops these soon. I am starting to worry he is going to be that kid that no one wants to be around. I realize he is only 15 months--but I just want him to be a happy boy! Enjoy the pictures below of the moments where he is in a good mood.
Here is Brooks just chilling in his play-zone. If you can't see it clearly, he has a dress shirt on underneath a basketball T-shirt. His Daddy dressed him this day and I was very impressed. It was super a super "hip" outfit. Way to go, Greg!

We have a joke in our house that Brooks got his mommy's head. I have a HUGE head and Brooks does too. Here he is wearing my hat. We also have a joke in our house that Greg has a tiny head. It is so true and right now Greg and Brooks have almost the same size head. I have a picture of Greg wearing one of Brooks' sun hats, but I think he'd kill me if I posted it, so I won't! :)

Today Brooks decided that he was just going to hang out under the table. The funny thing is that he kept bonking his head, but couldn't figure out that if he didn't go under the table he wouldn't bonk his head. Shortly after this picture, he hit his head (not very hard) and started to have a temper tantrum. Auntie S'ers snatched him up and put him to bed. He is still sleeping right now and went down two hours ago! All the screaming and flailing must make him tired.

This is what Brooks looks like when he is begging to be taken out of his play zone. I love the nostril shot. Imagine him saying "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" while this picture is being taken. Don't get me wrong on this post, I LOVE my son. He is challenging me right now but I know that things will get better! Hopefully this weekend we can have some quality family time and get back on track. Love to all who read!
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