We started our Mother's Day weekend at the Oakdale Duathlon. We had a sitter for Brooks on Friday night so we were able to have some kid-free time. It was very fun and relaxing. It was the boys turn to race. We registered a long time ago and decided that we would take turns racing this year so that the kids were always being watched and didn't have to be farmed out each weekend. We ended up getting an offer for a babysitter at the last minute, so we could have all raced! It worked out well though, as Steph and I were able to get a great workout in on Saturday morning before the duathlon. It was nice to sit in the hot tub at the hotel and have an evening of adult conversation. I thought about our Buddy lots but needed a break! Thanks Auntie Bean and Oma for taking such good care of Brooks!

The boys did great at the race. Greg got 22nd place and Keven got 35th place. This is pretty good considering that there were close to 500 racers! Way to go, Boys!
The boys did great at the race. Greg got 22nd place and Keven got 35th place. This is pretty good considering that there were close to 500 racers! Way to go, Boys!
Steph and I decided to wear our Wookiee shirts in support of our guys. We had fun ringing the cowbell. There was one guy who gave us a hard time and said "Oh no, not the cowbell again!" Get a life! It is a sporting event isn't it? We can cheer as loud as we want! (So there!)
Mother's Day was super relaxing and fun. We had protein pancakes in the morning. If anyone wants a great recipe for these pancakes let me know. They are delicious and packed with nutrients. After church we headed to a local restaurant to spend time with my wonderful mom. It was fun to be with the family. Once we were done with lunch I had a massage. Greg lined it up for me without my knowledge. He is just about the sweetest man on this Earth. Really. Anyhow, I had a massage while Greg and Brooks headed out to see Grandma and Grandpa Johnson. They had a good time celebrating Greg's mom.
Big news--Brooks is now able to get food on his fork and put it in his mouth. The food has to be thick and soft in order for him to be successful. Once he puts it in his mouth he looks to us for clapping and smiles. It is super cute. Brooks still won't walk. He is really getting to be a heavy boy and his mama would appreciate if he'd at least try to walk. In the meantime, my biceps are getting ripped from carrying him! Yeah!