Auntie S'ers came over today to watch Brooks so that I could get a much needed haircut and color! While I was at the salon, Auntie S'ers put together Brooks' sand and water table and also put together his picnic table! It was just about the cutest thing pulling into the driveway and seeing a miniature picnic table in the yard. Thanks Auntie S'ers!

Kennedy, Maggie and Brooks ate lunch at the picnic table. Brooks stood for most of it, but eventually decided he wanted to sit on the picnic table bench. It just doesn't seem like Brooks should be sitting at a picnic table yet! I feel like I just had him yesterday!
Kennedy, Maggie and Brooks ate lunch at the picnic table. Brooks stood for most of it, but eventually decided he wanted to sit on the picnic table bench. It just doesn't seem like Brooks should be sitting at a picnic table yet! I feel like I just had him yesterday!
Here is Brooks enjoying his PB and J! He was stealing pieces of sandwich off of his Cousin K-K's plate! I'll have to be sure to teach him how to be a gentleman.
Brooks gave us a QUICK lesson in not turning our backs. He did this on his own, no help. I snapped a picture, but don't worry Auntie S'ers ran over there first. This picture is "posed" in a way because Auntie S'ers is standing at attention to catch Brooks' in case of a fall. He is such a climber. There is nothing feminine about Brooks, he is 100% pure boy!