I had an appointment this week and it was great. I have some friends and acquaintances that have recently lost babies (one almost full term and one at 16 or so weeks), so I have some heightened anxiety regarding the health of our little guy/girl. I am reminded often by my sister Steph that we are not in control and that God has a perfect plan for every baby. I have had to call her several times though, to ask her if she thinks the baby is still alive. She is very reassuring, even though she'd be the first to remind me that only God really knows what is going to happen.
Anyhow, the appointment went perfectly. We heard the baby's heart beat and it was 155 and strong. Yeah! It was wonderful to hear that sound. The doctor told me to expect to be able to feel the baby sooner during this pregnancy than the first! I thought I felt him/her last night, but it might have just been something I ate. I will have to pay attention tonight when I lay down.
The baby is the size of an apple right now and I am enjoying following the weekly emails about what is developing. It amazes me that baby J has joints the bend now and is "fully developed". He/she just needs to grow (a lot) now. I get to find out if it is a boy or girl on March 16th. Yeah! We both feel like it is a boy, but only have ideas for girl names so far. Interesting. We'll see...
I was also very excited that I have gained 8 pounds so far and am 16 weeks prego. Last pregnancy, for those who didn't SEE me (it wasn't hard to see me!), I gained 75 pounds. I was a very large girl when I gave birth. Who knows, maybe that will happen again this time, but I would have to gain LOTS more weight in the next 24 weeks for that to happen. I am fighting the weight gain a lot more this time. I have been working out every day (except Sunday) and have finally started to feel good. I am also doing much better on my diet, although I love to have an occasional piece of candy, which I used to be very strict about avoiding. Who knows, maybe the weight gain is still on its way, but this seems better so far.
No pictures today, since I am updating from work (on lunch, don't worry mom and dad :)!). Brooks gets his haircut today so that it grows out in time for his 2 year old pictures and party! Wow, I have a two year old in three weeks! I can't believe my precious boy is growing up so fast.