Is anyone sick of me talking about my husband yet? I can't help it. Here are a couple more examples of what a good daddy Greg is. He made a fort in our bedroom for Brooks the other day (Sorry about the outfit, its a combo of PJ's and real clothes. Don't worry, I don't think it matches!) Brooks LOVED this fort and I can't stop smiling when I look at the pictures. Brooks loves little places and cubbies, so it does not surprise me that this fort made his day/week/life! I think the pictures are awesome too, because they show the one and only WIGGLES! I hate the Wiggles because I wake up in the middle of the night singing Dr. Nickerbacker, Nickerbacker, number nine... You won't understand unless you TiVo the Wiggles. All the episodes seem to be the same and Brooks cannot get enough of them. It will be exciting when Brooks decides he likes a show other than the Wiggles!

Play your guitar with Murray (Wiggle) the super cool dude that wears RED!
Play your guitar with Murray (Wiggle) the super cool dude that wears RED!
The next reason that Brooks' daddy rocks is shown in the picture below! What dad (well my dad did growing up, but I put my dad in the same category as Greg) would do something like this for dinner? The hair is cheese, the ears are turkey pepperoni, the eyebrows are carrots, the eyes are grapes, the nose is a pear, the flesh is turkey and the mouth is a banana. Oh my! Greg is so amazing. I keep telling Brooks how lucky he is to have the daddy he has. I know it might get old because I always talk about Greg on this blog, but he never stops.
We had a good weekend and Greg got a chance to ski a race in Hayward, WI. He did really well and got 4th in his age group. He doesn't take any sports seriously anymore, so it is cool that he still does a really good job at the events he gets to participate in. This week is pretty "normal" for us. The next thing we will start to think about is a very special 2 year old birthday party!