We finally ordered and received Brooks' big-big boy bed. He moved into a toddler bed at around 18 months, but we wanted to transition him to his "final" bed long before the baby arrives. We ordered him a bedroom set a couple of weeks ago and it was delivered on Friday! We had a chance to put the bedding on tonight and started to get his room situated. Once it is completely done we will post some pictures. Before we were able to arrange the furniture, Brooks had to take a few minutes to get excited and lay in his new bed. He isn't sleeping in it tonight because we still have to child proof his new room (he is moving to the bigger room to make way for his baby sister/brother). He seems to love his new room. If you couldn't tell we are doing a nautical theme. It should be cute.

I'm not proud to tell everyone that Brooks is addicted to TV. Of course we control it as much as we can and think we should, but sometimes I wish I was that "super" mom who never let her kid watch TV until they moved out and went to college. That just isn't the case in our family though. I do love that Brooks watches TV for selfish reasons. During TV time is one of the only times I can get him to hold still and cuddle me.
I'm not proud to tell everyone that Brooks is addicted to TV. Of course we control it as much as we can and think we should, but sometimes I wish I was that "super" mom who never let her kid watch TV until they moved out and went to college. That just isn't the case in our family though. I do love that Brooks watches TV for selfish reasons. During TV time is one of the only times I can get him to hold still and cuddle me.
We had our cousins over on Saturday and as always had a blast hanging out with them. Here is Maggie. She did this all by herself...tail and all! She "snuck" out of the house with her swimsuit under her clothing and was really proud of herself when she announced she had it on.
Another peaceful moment...WATCHING TV of course! Don't worry, he doesn't watch that much TV and what is watches is limited to Elmo and the Wiggles. It just seems that we get really cute pictures while he is watching TV. Maybe because that is the ONLY time the child holds still.
Brooks turns 2 on Friday! We are going to go to lunch to honor him and then on Saturday he will have his family party. It should be fun. I am sure he won't remember a thing, but it is still really fun to plan. We are going with a fish theme this year since fish are on his list of favorites (also making the list: TV, the moon, Ka-Ka, Jo-Jo, Thomas the Train, Elmo and the Wiggles)!
Two weeks from tomorrow we find out if we are having a boy or girl! Wow, I can't believe we are already half way done with this pregnancy. I am still working out a lot and trying to be as active as possible. Greg has to remind me that I am not getting fat, I am just growing a baby inside me. It was a struggle for me last time and is again this time. If you are a praying type, you could pray that I don't get depressed. It is hard to be a good mommy when I am down about my weight and how I feel. There are lots more important things to pray for as well...but if you have the extra ten seconds I would love a prayer! Thanks!