We had a party for Brooks yesterday. We went with a fish theme. It was really nice to see all of our family. Brooks got lots of nice presents, but more importantly had a fun time being the center of attention. At first, he just cuddled in his Auntie and Oma's arms and told people "I'm shy". He got over it pretty quickly though and enjoyed his day.

Here is Brooks having breakfast in bed for is birthday. He is actually in our bed having his breakfast. He has breakfast in our bed every morning, so it isn't anything different other than the hat. He doesn't typically like to eat breakfast, so usually he just has a granola bar and juice each morning.
Here is Brooks having breakfast in bed for is birthday. He is actually in our bed having his breakfast. He has breakfast in our bed every morning, so it isn't anything different other than the hat. He doesn't typically like to eat breakfast, so usually he just has a granola bar and juice each morning.
Here is one of the cupcakes that we did for his party. My sister Steph is an elementary school teacher at heart, so she was a huge help to me. I have never been very creative so I appreciated her a ton. This is a twinky, fruit leather, a chocolate cookie and of course a cupcake. Pretty fun.
Brooks was trying to tell us he is "2" but he has a hard time getting just two fingers to cooperate, so it looks more like he thinks he's 10. He does say "I'm 2" when asked how old he is.
So yesterday was great and Brooks seemed to do well. Today he woke up really sad and not himself at all. He was crying about everything and seemed really clingy to us. We brought him to church only to leave with him 20 minutes later. Brooks is now sleeping. He has a temperature and is burning up. He only wants to be held and cuddled. It is so sad. He goes to the doctor tomorrow for his 2 year check up, so hopefully he is better by his appointment. If not, I guess there is no better place to be than in the doctor's office.