Brooks got some crafts for his birthday and has really enjoyed creating art. He loves to glue things on paper, put stickers on paper and color with markers (the markers we got only color on the special paper)! I think he looks so old in this picture. He concentrates so hard when he is working on his art. Brooks has also developed a love for play-doh! We love to play it every day!

We have started to work on potty training Brooks. It is not working well at all so I don't think he is ready. We might continue to try, but we might back off a little bit and try again in a couple of weeks. A typical potty training day is really hard. It consists of having Brooks run around the house and play with no diaper. I ask him if he needs to use the toilet pretty often and he usually says no. After about an hour I see that Brooks is doing the potty dance with his knees together and a really funny face. I ask Brooks if he needs to use the toilet and he says "yes". We run to the toilet and Brooks sits on the toilet for one second and says "all done" (there is nothing in the toilet)! Then, he asks for "gum" because Ti-Ti told him he can have gum if he goes in the toilet. He has never successfully gone in the toilet (and can't chew gum anyway) but also has never gone on the floor. After about 3 or 4 hours I have to put him in a diaper for nap. He is soaked when he gets up from nap and also has a dirty diaper. I can just imagine what he is thinking when I finally put his diaper on..."Oh Mama, thank you so much, now I can quit holding it!" Oh well, we'll keep trying!
We have started to work on potty training Brooks. It is not working well at all so I don't think he is ready. We might continue to try, but we might back off a little bit and try again in a couple of weeks. A typical potty training day is really hard. It consists of having Brooks run around the house and play with no diaper. I ask him if he needs to use the toilet pretty often and he usually says no. After about an hour I see that Brooks is doing the potty dance with his knees together and a really funny face. I ask Brooks if he needs to use the toilet and he says "yes". We run to the toilet and Brooks sits on the toilet for one second and says "all done" (there is nothing in the toilet)! Then, he asks for "gum" because Ti-Ti told him he can have gum if he goes in the toilet. He has never successfully gone in the toilet (and can't chew gum anyway) but also has never gone on the floor. After about 3 or 4 hours I have to put him in a diaper for nap. He is soaked when he gets up from nap and also has a dirty diaper. I can just imagine what he is thinking when I finally put his diaper on..."Oh Mama, thank you so much, now I can quit holding it!" Oh well, we'll keep trying!
Here he is sitting the wrong way on his baby toilet. He usually sits on the big toilet during the training, but once in a while sits on this little one that his Auntie bought him. It is a pretty cool toilet (flusher, toilet paper holder...) so he mostly plays with the toilet which isn't what he is supposed to do. We finally put it away and are working on just using the big toilet for now.
Brooks enjoys reading while he uses the bathroom. He likes to look for his Daddy on his "go-go" (bike) in the bike magazines. Too cute. (By the way, this is Steph in the picture, not me. We look a lot alike when I am not pregnant. I am currently way bigger than Steph and this is SO not me!)
Tomorrow is the big day...will Brooks have a sister or a brother? Can't wait to know. I hope the baby cooperates during the ultrasound.