Our sweet children...

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Brooks!

Today my sweet angel turns 2! I can hardly believe how fast the time has passed. My buddy is so grown up. He speaks in sentences, is healthy, active (understatement) and happy. Brooks has blessed our lives in a way that we can't explain. We can't imagine life without him and it has just been two short years since he joined our family. My older sister Steph said to me this morning "I can't believe Brooks is two! It makes me so sad. I guess it is time to have another one!"

With a new baby on the way, it is hard to imagine loving someone as much as we love Brooks. We know that we will be able to, but it is hard to fathom that the amount of love we have for Brooks will be duplicated when the new baby arrives. Brooks has given us such joy this past two years.

Brooks today, 2 years old (3T outfit).

Brooks one year ago today, 1 year old. (24 month outfit). I can't believe how much has has changed.

Brooks the day he was born. Amazing.

Brooks loves Thomas so much. He like to make tracks anywhere he can. In this case, it was below the sofa table. I just stare at his hands and am in awe of how big he is. He is very coordinated and able to do so many tasks that we never thought out little boy would be able to do. Greg and I were reminiscing last night about how we used to think it was the coolest thing in the world when Brooks would bat at the toy above his car seat. We would turn around in the car and just feel so proud that our baby could bat at an object. Wow, times have changed.

We love you, Buddy. You are the biggest blessing that the Lord has given us.


Mama and Daddy
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