We are back from a great trip to see Mickey Mouse! The weather was amazing and the week flew by! Greg and I can't get over what a good boy Brooks was on the entire trip. We found ourselves saying things like "Can you believe how good Brooks has been?" or
"Wow, I've never seen Brooks behave so well" all week long. We are so proud of him. Brooks really enjoyed the water on this trip. We spent a whole day at Aquatica (the Sea World water park) and Brooks had a blast. He went down slides all day, over and over again. Kids love repetition, and the water park was no exception.

Brooks was a very happy boy to be "free" in the kiddy pool! We don't feel too bad that Brooks missed his YMCA swim lesson this week! I think we made up for it by swimming everyday and spending countless hours in the pool.
"Wow, I've never seen Brooks behave so well" all week long. We are so proud of him. Brooks really enjoyed the water on this trip. We spent a whole day at Aquatica (the Sea World water park) and Brooks had a blast. He went down slides all day, over and over again. Kids love repetition, and the water park was no exception.
Brooks was a very happy boy to be "free" in the kiddy pool! We don't feel too bad that Brooks missed his YMCA swim lesson this week! I think we made up for it by swimming everyday and spending countless hours in the pool.
When Brooks would get off the slide he would run to his Oma with great excitement. I was able to capture his face as he told Oma all about it! Pure joy, I love it.
Brooks is always great buddies with Opa, but this week was extra special. Opa and Brooks had a lot of time to bond and most of our pictures are of Brooks and Opa because of all of the time they spent together. It was very meaningful to us.
Here is Brooks going down the pink slide. I am surprised this isn't a picture of him going down the yellow slide because that was his color of choice all day! We had a blast.
Greg and I loved that we were both able to run outside every day and enjoyed being able to put on shorts and a t-shirt and be out the door with no hat, mittens, jacket or face mask. It was glorious. We brought the jogging stroller and Greg was so sweet to push it a majority of his runs. He continues to train for Grandma's Marathon and he didn't miss a beat while we were gone. I am getting a little bit bigger and slower, but I still enjoyed running outside and moving my body. I am slowing down to around 10 minute miles outside now, but it makes me feel so energized that I don't want to have to give it up.
The trip was a blast, but we are both happy to be back and are both happy to drink Duluth water again! I forget how blessed we are to have cold and yummy water to drink! :)