I guess I am trading spaces with my friend Natalie since she never used to blog and now she does almost every day. I am so sorry for the lack up updates but life has been so busy. Greg went camping for 4 days last weekend with his buddies. Boo for me, and yeah for him. It was a very long weekend filled with LOTS of pregnant emotions. I don't think I have ever felt so happy to see someone when he walked in the door on Monday night. I had tons of support from my family (Oma, Opa, Aunt Bean, Uncle Keven and Ti-Ti) but it just isn't the same. I know I have mentioned before, but Greg isn't really the "typical" guy and does SO much for our family. I knew I needed him, but last weekend confirmed that I would be very lost without him.
We made the best of the weekend alone and went to the park out by my parent's cabin. Auntie Bean came with us. I am amazed how much easier it is this year to watch Brooks play on equipment. Last year I had to walk with him everywhere he went and I had many heart attacks thinking he was going to hurt himself. This year he is so much more able to play on his own. I still get anxious when he is hanging off of something that a 7 year old should be hanging off of, but I remember he is a boy and protect him without squelching his athleticism and energy.
Brooks had a sucker at the park. He had to leave it on the bench while he played, but could come back to get "licks" from it. As the time at the park went on he ended up with a pretty dirty face. At first, I was cleaning his face each time, but then I came to the realization that it wasn't hurting anything and sometimes it is fun to just be a boy. He was wiped out after our adventure (we must have been there over two hours!) and had a great nap in the afternoon.

He makes some of the cutest faces, but this picture above has to be one of my favorites. I could just eat those lips!
We made the best of the weekend alone and went to the park out by my parent's cabin. Auntie Bean came with us. I am amazed how much easier it is this year to watch Brooks play on equipment. Last year I had to walk with him everywhere he went and I had many heart attacks thinking he was going to hurt himself. This year he is so much more able to play on his own. I still get anxious when he is hanging off of something that a 7 year old should be hanging off of, but I remember he is a boy and protect him without squelching his athleticism and energy.
Brooks had a sucker at the park. He had to leave it on the bench while he played, but could come back to get "licks" from it. As the time at the park went on he ended up with a pretty dirty face. At first, I was cleaning his face each time, but then I came to the realization that it wasn't hurting anything and sometimes it is fun to just be a boy. He was wiped out after our adventure (we must have been there over two hours!) and had a great nap in the afternoon.
He makes some of the cutest faces, but this picture above has to be one of my favorites. I could just eat those lips!
I have posted many pictures of Brooks and his "funny" face, but none of Brooks and Auntie with their "funny" faces!