This morning we took Brooks to his first circus. It was wonderful. I can't believe how much fun it is to see something like the circus through a little person's eyes! I think we all watched Brooks more than we watched the actual circus. It was a blast. Brooks did great and amazed me that he wasn't afraid of riding on the elephant, he wasn't afraid of the noise and did great with the clowns. He clapped when everyone else clapped, ate popcorn like a big kid and even got to have his own Sprite! Thanks Oma and Opa for buying us the tickets and coming with us. It was fun!

Brooks' first encounter with clowns. The one on the right gave him a sucker so Brooks was pumped and after that, I don't even know if he noticed the clowns (he was too into his sucker)!
Brooks' first encounter with clowns. The one on the right gave him a sucker so Brooks was pumped and after that, I don't even know if he noticed the clowns (he was too into his sucker)!
Brooks has an Elmo book that has Grover at the circus eating popcorn. For a couple of weeks now Brooks has been asking to "Go to the circus with Opa and get popcorn", both of which finally happened today! He loved it.
Like I said, Brooks clapped when everyone else did. He also danced in his seat with joy and talked to us throughout the entire show.