Brooks is such a sweetie, he really is. Brooks is also 100% pure "BOY" and has been testing our patience quite a bit lately. Brooks has more energy than any child I have EVER met and is constantly on the go. We would love to put a pedometer on him to see just how many steps he takes each day! I am surprised that he doesn't crash each night before his head hits the pillow. Instead, he goes to bed between 7:00 and 8:00 most nights and is still up singing, reading books and talking to his Ba-Ba most nights until 10:00 or so. You would think that because he stays up so late (in his bed) he would sleep later in the morning. That is not the case with Brooks, as he joyfully announces that "he woke up" each morning around 7:00 am!
We continue to work on discipline with Brooks and have seen more obeying in the last few weeks. We try so hard to be consistent and we can see it paying off little bit by little bit.
We had a chance to go to my parents lake home last weekend and Brooks got to spend some quality one-on-one time with his Opa. It is so good for Brooks to get that and they had a blast watching golf and goofing around on the bed. They must have been in there for close to an hour giggling and having a blast.

We are having some work done to our yard next week and the crew dropped off some machinery yesterday. Brooks is thrilled that there are "workers" in the backyard. I am sure he will enjoy watching the digging that will go on for the next month or so. Greg took Brooks outside this morning to explore the machines and as you can see Brooks was in Heaven!

I love that Greg took a picture of Brooks' head after playing. It does not matter if we are inside in the air conditioning, or outside in 90 degree weather, Brooks is always sweating by the end of his play sessions. He works so hard and puts so much energy into playing (and everything he does) that he breaks into a sweat several times a day.
Last week I was so excited to find a great deal on baby soap (in bulk) at Sam's Club and I told Steph about it. She so sweetly informed me that she didn't need bath soap in bulk for her girls because they don't need showers/baths every day like Brooks does! I laughed and informed her that Brooks has had two baths most days this summer! We must buy our bath soap in bulk! Ahh...the difference between boys and girls.

But really, when all is said and done and the day is over I would not trade this little boy for anything. He is so sweet and it is great to learn more about boys each day.
Thank you Lord for giving me my little boy.