We had another great week and I am starting to get back in the swing of being at work two days each week. I am actually enjoying work once I get there, it is just leaving the house that is hard at first. On the days I don't work, we get to spend lots of quality time with our cousins! We love that they are home schooled (with a great teacher, I might add) so we are able to spend afternoons with them.
Kennedy is such a little mama to Chloe-Belle. She loves to get the diapers and wipes ready when it is time to change her and just recently has started to carry Chloe on her own around the house. Kennedy is very proud of the fact that we trust her to do this and she takes her "motherly duties" very seriously. It is quite adorable.
Kennedy is such a little mama to Chloe-Belle. She loves to get the diapers and wipes ready when it is time to change her and just recently has started to carry Chloe on her own around the house. Kennedy is very proud of the fact that we trust her to do this and she takes her "motherly duties" very seriously. It is quite adorable.
Like I have said before, Brooks and Maggie are either best buds or worst enemies depending on the day. I think it might be their age difference as well as their personality traits. Last week, while Kennedy was "taking care of Chloe", Brooks and Mags were best of buds in the kitchen working on art projects. It was fun to listen to them laugh and be silly. I think they look so much alike. I suppose they have 75% the same bloodlines since Steph and I married first cousins!
Everything that Brooks does is with great intensity and energy. I love this picture because he is so intense when showing me his pipe-cleaner! I hope he channels this intensity into sports or something else healthy as he grows up. Although a challenge, I adore Brooks' energy and would like to get just a little bit of that for myself!