We headed to Rose Lake to spread Greg's Grandma's ashes last weekend. Rose Lake had a special place in her heart and it was only fitting that her ashes be spread in the lake. Greg's Grandma Carol died this spring, but this was the first opportunity to get everyone together to honor her. The day was absolutely beautiful, so Brooks got to enjoy himself swimming in the lake. He is so good in the water and has no fear. I am thankful that he enjoys swimming.

Brooks was all smiles as he rode on the raft that usually is pulled behind a boat. He had his Daddy pulling him instead of the boat.
Brooks was all smiles as he rode on the raft that usually is pulled behind a boat. He had his Daddy pulling him instead of the boat.
We got to see Dylan (Brooks' only male cousin) as well. Brooks was excited to share the golf balls and golf clubs with Dylan. I don't think that Dylan knew what to think but we are working on sharing, so I think Brooks was just trying to share.
Seriously how many people can you fit into one Pontoon boat? This was not the smartest thing that we have ever done and we will not be doing that again. I don't know what we would have done if the boat started to sink. Greg had a plan to get people to jump off, but it was still a terrible idea and I was afraid the whole time.
Brooks enjoyed time on his Grandpa Johnson's lap and had fun going from Grandpa's lap to Grandma's lap the whole ride.
Unfortunately, we will be taking another trip to Rose Lake soon for the same reason. Greg's Grandpa Gordy died on Sunday (also Greg's 37th birthday). He was not in good health, but it is still hard to lose someone who you love so much. The funeral is on Friday and we may be out at the Rose Lake as soon as Saturday to spread his ashes.
We told Brooks that Grandpa Gordy is in Heaven. So Brooks asks us "Where is Heaven?". We answer, "It is where Jesus lives". Brooks asks us "Where is Jesus?" We answer, "In Heaven". Brooks says so proudly, "I'm not Jesus!" Not sure where that came from, but it is still pretty cute.