We are so blessed to have two beautiful children. Brooks has begun to turn an "obedience corner" in the last few days and has been extra fun to be around. He is loving Sunday School and actually cried when he had to leave today. He recites his verses to us and loves to sing his songs from Sunday School. His little spirit is so sensitive and he has become such a lover. Lately, out of nowhere, he has been telling us he loves us. For example, I grunted yesterday while I tried to get onto the bed (sore from the marathon) and he looks at me and says, "It's okay Mama. I love you." It was an instant moment of MELT MY HEART, BROOKS HARTLEY.

Brooks is such a hard worker. When he plays outside (which we do everyday or bedtime is rough), he loves to "work". He has an amazing play set in the backyard, but he prefers to wipe the snow off rocks, clean his daddy's car, clean the patio and pick up sticks. He mimics everything his daddy does, so I guess I can see why he'd rather work then play!
Brooks is such a hard worker. When he plays outside (which we do everyday or bedtime is rough), he loves to "work". He has an amazing play set in the backyard, but he prefers to wipe the snow off rocks, clean his daddy's car, clean the patio and pick up sticks. He mimics everything his daddy does, so I guess I can see why he'd rather work then play!
My little Princess Belle continues to be just that. She smiles and recognizes faces now, which is an instant way to melt my heart. Her sleeping is still less than to be desired although she slept over at her cousins house this weekend and decided she'd sleep for 10 hours. Hmmm...nice. It was back to 4 hours last night since her parents were back in town! Thanks, Belle!
Brooks has a gentle spirit. He is rammy and totally boy, but also has such real sensitive emotions. He loves to tell his baby sister that he loves her and he randomly, out of the blue enjoys kissing her. He has done amazing adjusting to life with a sister, even though sometimes he'd like to be a "geel" (girl) as well!