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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Brooks didn't want to go Trick or Treating this year. We decided he just didn't know what he was missing out on and "made" him go with us. As you can imagine, it took one house for it to be "game on"! Brooks had a blast and ate way way way too much candy tonight. He told us he had a tummy ache. I told him it was because he ate too much candy. He told me that it wasn't from candy it was from his apple juice. I don't think so, Brooks.

Brooks melted lots of hearts tonight. Who wouldn't smile when they open the door to a 2 year old muscle man saying "Trick or Treat"? And then, to make it even better, Brooks never missed a big "Thank you!" to each person who gave him candy. It was awesome and so is Brooks.

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